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General Energy Interest
- Cheapest Fuels
- Fuel Economy (DOE)
- Gas Buddy
- Hydraulic Fracturing - With worldwide experience of over two million fracturing jobs, water aquifer contamination is rare. In particular, shale reservoirs are thousands of feet below the water table and impermeable shale is, well, impermeable.
- Training for Operations, IT, and Project Management in Energy
- Plant Leadership Systems
- Recent General Books About Energy
- Epstein, Alex - The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels
- Bryce, Robert - Power Hungry
- Yergin, Daniel - The Quest
- Mineral Rights, Surface Rights, Royalties (for royalty holders)
- National Group
- In North Dakota (this is a comprehensive website for the state's oil business)
- In Texas
- BP Macondo/Deepwater Horizon
- Starks spoke to the UTD Jindal School of Management about the BP Gulf of Mexico spill (select the Presentations tab).
- Energy Related Organizations and Resources
- Viscount Matt Ridley
- EIA, Energy Information Administration
- API, American Petroleum Institute
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